Laying pipelines, You certainly expect that they will serve not one year, and during the whole service life will effectively perform its functions. But I think every fitter in his life faced with the problems of freezing of the water supply system and heating or heat losses during transportation carrier, which in turn led to the failure of the whole system, and significant additional financial losses.
In addition, in the cold season, often there are emergencies and breakdowns of water supply networks. The main cause damage or rupture of pipelines is frozen water, which is in the process of crystallization can be increased by more than 10% in volume. The interaction of different environments may be so great that the pipelines are destroyed and not adequately perform their functions.
Most pipelines are laid underground or on the surface. At the same time, passing on the surface, the content of the heat carrier gives its heat to the outside, and therefore, the coolant loses temperature and the end user does not get enough heat from the piping.
No less important risk factor of failure of the pipeline is the formation of condensation and as a result, corrosion on the pipe surface. By sharp difference of temperatures the condensate dropout and non-isolated pipes have to be replaced much more often.
The only solution to these problems is insulation pipes!
Today, the insulation of pipelines for hot and cold water and heating a very important and indispensable! Failure to comply with all regulations and requirements in isolation leads to serious breakdowns in the system of centralized water supply.
What basic criteria must meet the thermal insulation for pipes?
Here are the main ones:
The guests are recommend to choose insulation materials with a wide temperature range that will allow you to use them both at high and at low temperatures.
The company SANPREIS is a leader in the market of insulation materials. The products of our company are certified and have all the permits.
For the decision of problems of thermal insulation of pipelines we offer the following:
Rubber pipe and sheet insulation is produced on the most advanced technologies and is used for insulation of surfaces with a high degree of risk of occurrence of condensation, and also to protect from heat loss. This material is very flexible, can be easily mounted on large diameter pipes and in tight areas. Rubber insulation is applied at a temperature range of -200.. 105*C.
To protect the pipelines underground and on the surface and added protection of rubber insulation from external mechanical damage such applied protective coating as foil with the adhesive layer (works at a temperature range of -40.. 130*C), and the protective coating of the SILVER GUARD (works at a temperature range of -60... 100*C).
Basalt cylinders has excellent resistance to significant temperature extremes and exposure to harmful corrosive environments. Good external protective layer protects the insulation from mechanical damage and other pests. Basalt cylinders at a temperature range of -200.. 250*C.
Insulation of basalt wool is used for pipelines with higher temperatures (Mat lamellar to 250*With Mat stitched to 750*C). Mats of mineral wool have high thermal insulation properties, fire resistance, durability and environmental friendliness. These mats are mounted on any main sites.
Summarizing, it is possible to say with certainty that the insulation of pipelines - an indispensable thing in our modern world, avoiding emergency situations engineering systems, to reduce additional repair costs and significantly save Your money!
Tatiana Pavlovskaya